One for old snaggle-tooth – Charles Bukowski

One for old snaggle-tooth – Charles Bukowski

Last Updated on: 21st diciembre 2017, 06:00 pm

I know a woman
who keeps buying puzzles
pieces that finally fit
into some order.

she works it out
she solves all her
lives down by the sea
puts sugar out for the ants
and believes
in a better world.

her hair is white
she seldom combs it
her teeth are snaggled
and she wears loose shapeless
coveralls over a body most women
would wish they had.

for many years she irritated me
with what I consider her
– like soaking eggshells in water
(to feed the plants so that
they’d get calcium).

but finally when I think of her
and compare it to other lives
more dazzling, original
and beautiful
I realize that she has hurt fewer
people than anybody I know
(and by hurt I simply mean hurt).
she has had some terrible times,
times when maybe I should have
helped her more
for she is the mother of my only
and we were once great lovers,
but she has come through
like I said
she has hurt fewer people than
anybody I know,
and if you look at it like that,
she has created a better world.
she has won.

Frances (inserte un amor perdido aquí), this poem is for you.



Escritor. Autor de las novelas "Bosques que se incendian" (2023) y "Paris, D.F." (2015, Premio Dos Passos a Primera Novela), así como de la colección de relatos "Los recuerdos son pistas, el resto es una ficción" (Premio Internacional de Literatura Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz 2017).

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